Today, Veteran’s Day, I came across the twitter thread below, which I thought was apropos. The thread does an overview of WWI, and how it lead to WWII. What’s important in my view is that an international system based on the rule of law versus the rule of the jungle has been the key to peace. An international system characterized by the rule of the jungle–where might makes right–likely leads to war and military conflict–one that we should assume would involve the U.S. (Ludes lists the number of people that died in both wars, breaking them down by country.)
I hope you take the time to read the thread. It’s fitting for our current politics and also fitting for a day when we should reflect on those who gave their lives to serve their country.
On 11/11/1918, the armistice that ended World War I came into force. A century later, an American president talks wistfully about nationalism and a return to the international relations practices of the 19th century–two ingredients that made World War I possible. 1/x
— Jim Ludes (@JMLudes) November 11, 2018