Thread to discuss the 2020 Presidential Debates. Here’s one thing I’d say first.The one big problem I have is that the moderators will make assumptions of both candidates that are not warranted. For example, moderators will likely assume that both candidates will operate in good faith, have a reasonable respect for truth and facts and also have a healthy sense of shame that would prevent them from brazen lies and fabrications. They would assume that both candidates respect, value, and understand the U.S. Constitution and key democratic processes, institutions, and norms. If these assumptions do not apply to one of the candidates, then none of the other normal policy questions matter in my view–or they matter much, much less. This is a “do not pass go” matter. If there is overwhelming, compelling evidence that these assumptions don’t apply to one of the candidates, moderators must spend a lot of time exploring this–in order to inform voters.
Conspiracy theories starting up
After watching an hour (?) of this, I’m thinking of deleting this thread.
This tweet touches on my reason for saying this:
and this
That last line especially.
Highlights or low-lights, take your pick:
Condemning white supremacy is the absolute easiest thing for a POTUS to say, and he can’t do it! What’s with the “stand by” line, too? This is at least the second opportunity for him to do it, and he can’t do it right. If he really opposed white supremacy, he’d condemn them loudly and clearly tomorrow–right now.
I hope there is missing contextual information that will make this remark seem less worse than it is:
Asking a POTUS to condemn white supremacists is putting the POTUS in a “box?” Think about that–like that’s not fair or inappropriate. I think it’s plausible that Trump wouldn’t want to condemn an individual or group that supports him–but it’s unbelievably telling that that applies to white supremacists. I want to swear.
On “stand back and stand by”
A thread from Kathleen Belew, historian from the University of Chicago, whose research in white power movements.
(emphasis added)
Implications and consequences from Trump’s rhetoric
Note: The researchers have revised their data/conclusions in the article below. One of the authors tweeted corrections, but it was too confusing to read through. So I’m not sure what to believe. I’m annoyed.
Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins Politico opinion piece from five researchers.
What can be done?
But what if leaders, including from Congress, political parties, and prominent pundits fail to do this?
This should be done now before it’s too late. I can’t think of any compelling reason not to do this. The Democrats should push this, even if the Republicans refuse.
Shoot, I think President Obama and President Bush should do this on their own.
It shouldn’t be take this long or be this hard, man.
Earlier today with the John Roberts of Fox News with Kayleigh McAnny:
I think I’m with Kayyem:
Important analysis: What’s the thinking behind Trump’s approach?
Towards the end of the clip below, Nicole Wallace (who worked on Republican presidential campaigns), mentions that Trump prepared and planned this approach, but what was the thinking behind it? She believes the approach will not convince voters. I’ll give my thoughts after the clip.
I can’t say I know with confidence what’s the thinking, but I do know a plausible one: Trump is going to undermine the integrity of the election, and if Biden wins, challenge the results, and then resort to almost any procedural or legal mechanism to win this. Part of this includes inciting violence on and after election day, giving him a reason to invoke the Insurrection Act and send out U.S. military or other federal forces from other agencies–basically looking for a way to maintain power–other than winning in a legitimate way. He, with AG Barr’s help is going to use the DOJ to politically damage Biden. They’re going to utilize Russian talking points and maybe even assistance in other ways to win the election. They’re going to undermine the USPS.
In the debate itself there is evidence of this as well. He keeps attacking the integrity of the elections; he won’t promise to accept; the results; he says to the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”
Also, if he wanted to win in a legitimate way, he could have pushed for people to wear masks in June, July, or even August. If congressional Rs, governors and Fox News got on board, a lot of his followers might have complied, which could have crushed the virus–which then could have allowed opening the economy, schools, and sports by October, putting him in a great position to win the election. It would have been the right thing to do as well. But no. Because of his narcissism or maybe his authoritarian mindset, he didn’t want to go that route–a route that would help him win in a legitimate way.
In summary, he’s trying to rile up his base, prepare them to not accept the results and then act violently. The effort may confuse or turn off the casual voter as well, perhaps.
The thing is, this plan would have no chance of working if enough congressional Republicans and Fox News strongly opposed these efforts. We could make it out of this, but with their help or lack of opposition, his plan has a chance.
On a lighter note, I laughed at this:
Proof that our political leaders can be decent. They can genuinely care about democracy.
General thoughts about the first VP debate
Not crazy–more like a typical debate–although Pence did seem to talk longer than his allotted time and did interrupt Harris’s time.
But as a typical debate, for me, personally, I found it almost pointless and useless, but maybe I’m not the target audience. Part of what makes this useless is that both candidates would ignore the question and give whatever answer they wanted. The moderator didn’t even challenge this.
Here’s something remarkable: the moderator asked both candidates what their plan was if Trump didn’t accept the election results. Think about that. If Trump not accepting the results is a serious question, that disqualifies him in my view. I feel like the press kind of glossing over this and normalizing it, which is bad.
Here is something else that is remarkable: The Trump administration is trying to end Obamacare–which will eliminate coverage for those with preexisting health conditions–and the Trump administration has no plan to cover preexisting conditions. That is, they’re OK ending coverage for people with preexisting conditions, people under 26 going under their parents’ health insurance, and ending coverage 20 million people. They have no plan.
Biden and Harris are refusing to answer if they expand the number of SC justices. The idea of this makes me very uneasy. At the same time, the Republicans trying to quickly appoint Barrett makes me really uneasy, too–particularly since Trump has publicly suggested that he wants her so that the SCOTUS can decide the election (If it goes to the SCOTUS). That public statement damages the legitimacy of the court. Also, they’re violating the principle they used to deny Garland a seat. All of this stinks to high heaven.
Another unusual thing I want to mention. A rather large black fly landed on Pence’s white hair, staying there for a long time. David Frum has a pretty cool observation about this:
Random thoughts on last night’s debate