What I Expect After the Election

In the last eight years I’ve consumed the most news in my life–subscribing to both the NYT and WaPo for the first time (sometime during Trump’s first term). For a lot of this time, I also followed several academics, journalists, politicians, former political appointees and federal government officials on Twitter. In the sections below, I have written things I expect–or at least won’t be surprised by–based on all the information I’ve consumed–including what I’ve seen and read from Trump himself. Indeed, if they don’t happen, I will be really surprised.

If Trump loses

  • Trump will claim he won and claim the election was rigged;
  • Trump and his supporters will attempt to overturn the election in a variety of ways;
  • (I’m hoping this doesn’t happen) violence from Trump supporters–including violence against prominent politicians;

If Trump wins

  • Harris concedes;
  • Protests from Harris supporters and maybe some violence from them;
  • Trump will surround himself with people who will do his bidding.
  • Trump will use the government to go after political rivals, journalists, businesses that have crossed or criticized him;
  • Trump will have federal court cases against him dropped;

I’m sure there are other things, but these are the ones that come to mind quickly. To me, everything I said above would be uncontroversial to anyone who has followed good sources of news for the last eight years; I don’t have special insight or knowledge. (I did spend some time and energy in consuming the information, though.)

One thought on “What I Expect After the Election

  1. Judge Grants Jack Smith’s Request for Pause in Jan. 6 Case After Trump’s Election from the NYT

    The article suggests Smith and his team are thinking of shutting down the prosecutions, partly because of DOJ policy about not prosecuting a sitting president. Be that as it may, I can’t but feel Smith and his crew may be acting out of fear of retaliation.

    Case in point: a WaPo article today says that Trump’s allies are pushing to go after Smith. (I haven’t read the article yet.)

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