This is a thread for the three-part film (streamed on the Disney channel)–The Beatles: Get back, a Peter Jackson documentary, assembling footage from 1969, while the Beatles worked on new songs for a live performance. Eventually, I believe, some or much of the music appeared on Let It Be, and Abbey Road. (Some like “Don’t Let Me Down” may have become a single.)
Episode 1
In this episode, the musicians don’t seem to be in it–except for maybe McCartney; the band is falling a part (i.e., George wants to quit). I get the feeling that McCartney is reaching his peak, while the others are burnt out.
To clarify (in case anyone reading this looks for it) it’s not on the Disney Channel, but on Disney +, the streaming service.
Episode 2
I forgot to mention a few things, so I’ll do that now.
I’m not going to see the third episode, but based on the first two, I would say I’m a bit disappointed. There are too many “warts” and not enough “beauty spots.” The struggles, of both the music and the interpersonal aspects, are more prominent than the magic that I get from their recordings.
In this respect, I prefer Hulu’s 3 2 1 McCartney, with Rick Rubin and McCartney listening to excerpts of the recordings. The series may not be great, but there are great moments and interesting insights and anecdotes (without a lot of boring fluff).
There’s one moment I recently saw that I really liked. Both were listening to “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” and Rubin isolates McCartney’s bass, which is rough, clunky, and aggressive, which, as they point out, seems odd match for the music–particularly with the strumming acoustic guitar, which has a sunnier sound (although that sound is odd, given the lyrics).
Rubin points out that there are almost two songs here. McCartney comes to this realization, pointing out the bass has a rougher sound; and then he starts improvising a wordless, rocking vocals over the bass, and it sounds great!