
I know we started this conversation via text, but since texting is a hassle for me, I’m starting this thread. Mitchell did a poll of the best Kalapana songs (which he’ll hopefully post here). I think choosing one is actually kinda hard. By the way, a song that grew on me over time is “Love ‘Em.” I don’t if it ever received much air time, but I kinda like that one.

Mitchell, you don’t like “Lost Again?” I think that’s one of my favorites.

By the way, Don mentioned “Real Thing.” I remember the first time I heard that, I thought, “Dang, that’s a legitimately good song, as in it could be popular outside of Hawai’i.” I was disappointed to find out that it wasn’t an original.

Funny Moments in TV, Film, Literature, and Real Life

This is thread for to post and discuss humorous moments or anecdotes from TV, movies, books, or even real life.

I want to start off with a tweet from a political reporter, about his exchange with a politician. Before I post the tweet, I want to say that while I feel like I’m having trouble finding comedies that really make me laugh, some of the things I’ve seen in politics prove that I haven’t completely lost my sense of humor. Indeed, a part of me wonders if I’m losing interest in fiction because reality is far more entertaining. With that, here’s the tweet: Continue reading “Funny Moments in TV, Film, Literature, and Real Life”

NFL Notebook (2018-to the present)

Yes, I have another thread about the 2018-2019 season, but I want to use this thread more for random thoughts and ideas, specifically about football in general. For example, the first idea I want to write about involves evaluating pass protection. (Note: I started a 2019 thread, but I’m going to close that one.) With that, here’s the idea: Continue reading “NFL Notebook (2018-to the present)”

Notes for Coaches

Here’s a thread to jot down teaching points, anecdotes and other insights related to coaching.

For the first post, I want to start off with some comments I had about Pete Carroll’s remarks about a disastrous play right before halftime against the Vikings. The Seahawks had the ball on the Vikings 4 yard line, with 16 seconds and no timeouts. Russell Wilson drops back, slips, tries to scramble and then throws an INT. Anyway, Pete mentioned several things about this that I thought was interesting: Continue reading “Notes for Coaches”