Discuss week 10 games in the NFL.
Author: Reid
2022-2023 NFL Week 9
Discuss the games of week 9.
2022-2023 NFL Week 8
Discuss the games of week 8
NFL 2022-2023: Week 7
Sorry, I haven’t been good about posting threads.
Favorite Song in Intermediate School
I was recently asked this question, and I had a hard time answering it. In reality, I don’t think there’s an answer–that is, I didn’t have <i>one</i> favorite song. Indeed, I don’t have one all-time favorite song. It seems like an impossible question to answer.
And yet, I wanted to try and answer this, so the best song I could come up, within a relatively short time, was Toto’s “Africa.” Really, I think I could probably think of a better song to mention, but I was pressed for time.
But I’m not pressed for time now, so I want to see if I can find a better pick–i.e., a pick that comes closer to my favorite song–or, one of my very favorites–during the intermediate years.
What’s you favorite song during intermediate school years?
The Princess Bride (1987)
This year is the 35th anniversary of the film. I wanted to post some cool tweets from Mandy Pantinkin, and I thought I’d start a thread just in case anyone wanted to add other comments about the film.
2022-2023 NFL Week 3
Chiefs @ Colts and Packers @ Buccaneers seemed like good games.
2022-2023 NFL Week 2
I only watched highlights of Charagers at Chiefs…I feel like there’s very little judgments I can make. For example, the Chiefs pass protection looked good, I hesitate to put much stock in that based on highlights.
2022-2023 NFL Week 1
I’m not sure if I’m going to comment every week as I no longer have NFL game pass (or whatever it’s called now). My comments, if I have any, will be based on highlight footgae. That’s how I “watched” the Rams-Bills games on Thursday.
Here are some thoughts on that game:
Need Medium Tempo Music for Elderly Exercise Class
I don’t some exercise classes for elderly participants, and I need to find medium-tempo-ed music with a catchy/lively groove. I’ve been looking but finding music like this is really difficult. I’ll try to give some examples later.