I’ve heard about Azazel Jacobs, an independent filmmaker, a while ago, but I never got around to watching his films (They were not readily available as far I know.)–which are in the vein of Cassavetes, Mike Leigh and more recently mumblecore filmmakers like Andrew Bujalski.
I recently watched four of his films, and I really liked them (with the possible exception of one of the films). Interestingly, three out of the four films were so slow and boring, I struggled to stick with them. Yet, all three of these films, about a third of the way, came alive for me, in a way that surprised me. How could a film that seemed so boring all of sudden become interesting? The funny thing is that the film that didn’t start slow (Terri) ended up being the least interesting and in my view least successful of the four films. (I wondered I was the problem, more than the films. Maybe I watched too much YouTube videos recently, making me impatient. But I got into Terri fairly quickly so I don’t think I was the problem.)
I’m going to use this thread to discuss Jacobs’s films.