Edgar Wright tweeted a request for examples of situations where the audience reacted strongly, and collectively to a movie scene. He mentioned the scene in A Fatal Attraction, when Anne Archer’s character tells the Glenn Close character, “If you come near my family again, I’ll kill you.” He said the audience applauded. I know I have experienced this a few times, but none come to mind right now. I must say that for much of the last twenty years, I have don’t often see movies with a large audience. I think it’s been so long that I can’t remember these moments, which is kinda sad, man.
You can see some suggestions in the thread here:
Saw Fatal Attraction again & remembered when I'd seen it with a packed crowd, Anne Archer's line: "If you come near my family again, I'll kill you", made the place ERUPT in applause. Made me miss the roar of the audience. Name some scenes that memorably brought the house down.
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) November 29, 2020