A thread to discuss movies, TV shows, etc. that you’ve seen in 2025.
Category: tv
An Alternate Approach to Best of the Year Lists
As I see the best of the year lists popping up, I once again think about another approach I wish critics would employ–namely, instead of identifying the best works relative to other works within a given year, identify the works in a given year that compare favorably with the all-time great works. One drawback here is that none of the works may meet this criterion. For me, I don’t see this as a drawback. Here’s the reason why (and this will explain my overall mindset with regard to this topic).
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How Was Barnes and Noble Able to Turn Things Around?
Barnes and Noble is doing so well financially that they plan to open thirty new stores in 2023. That caught my attention, and I think it’s great news. Why is the store thriving? That’s the question music critic, Ted Gioia, tries to answer in this post. I agree with some of the reasons he cites (e.g., appointing a better CEO who decentralized decision making), but I’m dissatisfied with the overarching reason he offers–namely, that the new CEO loves books.
In this thread, I’ll explain the reason I feel this way, as well as offer an alternate explanation that seems more compelling. (In spite of this slight disagreement, I recommend reading his post.) OK, let’s begin.
Continue reading “How Was Barnes and Noble Able to Turn Things Around?”Sites Streaming Music, Drama, Etc.
Do you guys have any recommendations for sites that stream music, drama, or other types of performances? I believe the Metropolitan Opera has been streaming, for free, old opera performances. I think Blue Note Jazz streams live performances, but not for free.
Chernobyl (2019, TV Miniseries)
This is a thread to discuss on the HBO miniseries on the Chernobyl disaster.
Art: Innovations and Innovators
I really love artist that push and sometime break boundaries, leading to a new style or vocabulary, or even redefining what constitutes art or not. Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, and maybe Andy Kaufmann would be examples of the latter. Other innovators, who may not cause us to re-think art, but I still I like a lot are Frank Zappa, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, to name a few. This is a thread to discuss innovations of specific artists as well as innovations in art more generally. I want to start by talking about two different innovations in music that I’m interested in.
Forever (TV Show)
Here’s a thread to discuss the Forever, a TV show on Amazon. Continue reading “Forever (TV Show)”
TV Show Thread (2018-)
A thread to write about TV shows you’ve watched.