Discussing what happened in week 11 of the NFL.
Notes on Fiona Hill’s testimony, October 14, 2019
I can’t believe I’m reading the transcript of this testimony, which occurred behind closed doors with House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. (I think members of two other committees were also present or allowed to attend.) I say, “I can’t believe,” because I didn’t have a strong interest in reading this. But I just took a peak and got hooked. (We’ll see how long the transcript holds my interest.) These are some notes as I read the transcript.
Disgusted with Washington? Instead of Voting for Someone like Trump, Here’s What Needs to be Done.
2019-2020 NFL: Week 10
Thread to discuss week 10.
2019-2020 NFL: Week 9
Discussion of week 9 in the NFL.
2019-2020 NFL: Week 8
Thread to discuss the games.
Novelty Songs
I don’t know why, but this morning I thought of Manfred Mann’s “Blinded by the Light,” which made me think of another song, “Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You,” which then made me think of a song about King Kong, which I recall the DJ, Kamasami(sp) Kong, using clips from this song for his radio show. What other novelty songs can you think of? What exactly is the definition of a novelty song?
2019-2020 NFL: Week 7
2019-2020 NFL: Week 6
NFL Notebook 2019 (Closed)
General football issues and insights that arise during the 2019-2020 NFL season. (Note: It’s 2020. I’m going to post my comments in the 2018-to the present thread from now on. This thread still will have posts made in 2019, but I’m going to close the comments section.)